G & A Business Solutions
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361° Feedback Program
The Fundamentals Practices of Management

The Fundamental Practices of Management: What every Manager should know

The Challenge

Several executives are promoted to positions of increased responsibility without having acquired the fundamentals of management.

Most of the times, they don’t realize that with increased responsibilities come with increased obligations. The issue is not in the technical skills or the intrinsic knowledge of the job, but in not knowing these fundamentals rules of management. High potentials and promising executives turn to be very weak managers and poor performers. As a result, increased frustration runs from senior management through to the ranks. These new managers need help and dedicated induction on what their regular management practices ought to be.

Our Solution

G & A has developed a workshop that helps managers not only understand the rules that prevail in the work place, but also facilitates the practice of the fundamental art of management.

Participants will understand how their company has entrusted them with part of its business objectives, how they must avail their competences to the organization and how they should positively manage their relationships. In that way, they will be able to meet their company’s high expectations. Participants will practice the skills to become effective managers and therefore contribute to help the organization meet its goals. They will be required to effectively work on a “real life” assignment.

Design of the workshop

The workshop is designed in the form of 2 sessions of 2 days each.

Transformation and Leadership

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